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Our partners

We have combined our efforts with our partners for the common goal of restoring our military.

Метою запровадженої співпраці є надання психологічної допомоги військовослужбовцям, членам їхніх сімей, працівникам Збройних сил України; підвищення психологічної освіти військовослужбовців та їхніх близьких; розширення можливостей отримання психологічної реабілітації зазначеній категорії осіб.

Лого First Physio Clinic

First Physio Clinic physical rehabilitation center

He has been helping people recover physically for over 8 years. The main directions of physical rehabilitation:

- restoration of motor function after damage to the musculoskeletal system,

- recovery after reconstructive operations,

- recovery after damage to the central or peripheral nervous system,

- recovery after burns,

- recovery after amputation or injury.

During rehabilitation, various simulators are used to improve movements in the injured joint, strengthen muscles and speed up the recovery process. Services for military 3SU are provided free of charge.

Лого Козин

Eco-recreational center "Kozyn"

The center has a full-fledged 18-hole golf course with the main training areas: driving range, chipping/putting greens, bunker. Our partners Kozyn Golf & Country Club provided a unique opportunity for Ukrainian defenders, in particular, to attend a master class once a week and try their hand at a real natural golf course.

Лого Без обмежень

«Без Обмежень» is a prosthetics, orthotics and rehabilitation center

In the conditions of a full-scale invasion, the services of the center are in great demand, so every day a significant part of the military undergoes rehabilitation within its walls. Thus, the management of the center, and Andrii Ovcharenko in particular, decided on the need for the presence of qualified psychologists in the center who have experience working with military personnel and veterans. So, with the beginning of the joint work of the center and TMS Rehabilitation, having received good recommendations from the military regarding such work, it was decided to sign a memorandum. Within the framework of the signed memorandum with the prosthetics center "Without Limits", we together help the military to go through the rehabilitation path necessary for them. Yes, in the prosthetics center "Without Limits" there is a separate office where psychologists of TMS Rehabilitation Kyiv conduct consultations.

Лого Після Служби

Veterans Fund «Після Служби»

Charitable organization that helps Ukrainian veterans to achieve success after the end of service. The mission of the charity "After the Service" is to identify the needs of veterans in civilian life and provide them with qualified support and the help they need. The main purpose of the fund is to support servicemen and veterans during their adaptation to civilian life. "After the Service" provides assistance in the following areas:

- treatment and rehabilitation

- psychological support

- legal support assistance in employment and creation of new career opportunities

- payment of educational courses and retraining.

As part of the joint work of TMS Rehabilitation Center with the "After Service" foundation, a memorandum of cooperation was signed.

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