Peculiarities of psychotherapy of military personnel
The armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine raised the importance of preserving the psychological health of servicemen to a fundamentally new level, since participation in hostilities is almost always accompanied by a stress reaction of the body, which without appropriate timely qualified help can lead to adverse consequences, both for the serviceman himself and and for society as a whole. Psychological traumatization of the personnel becomes the reason for the decrease in the efficiency of the performance of the assigned tasks and the increase in non-combat losses. Also, it leads to difficulties with socialization and worsens the quality of life of servicemen. In this regard, there is an urgent need for counseling and psychotherapeutic help for various categories of traumatized persons, in particular, military personnel, veterans, and their family members, who cannot return to their usual life without outside help.

Psychological support of the military, especially during war, is extremely important and necessary.
It helps to cope with the emotional difficulties, stress, anxiety and traumatic experiences that defenders experience during combat operations. Psychological support helps maintain and improve mental well-being, helps them strengthen psychological resilience and recover. Ukrainian and Western specialists understand that the military needs the help of psychologists at three stages: during the period of preparation for service, on the front line, and after demobilization.

Mental disorder balance
not only harms the health of the personnel, reduces their fighting capacity, but also in a number of cases requires considerable time to restore psychophysiological functions. Thus, those who received combat wounds recovered after discharge from hospitals in two to three months, and those soldiers who witnessed the death of their comrades were able to restore their professional skills only after a longer period.
Prevention of non-combat losses due to suicide by military personnel is one of the priority tasks solved by military psychologists all over the world. The situation with referral to a mental health specialist in Ukraine has started to change in recent years, servicemen and their family members are more often referring to specialists.

It is widespread in our society
the mistaken opinion that a person who can be called a "strong personality" is capable of independently overcoming any crisis situation. But this is not always the case. Mental or psychological crises with the most negative consequences are characteristic of "strong personalities", strong, energetic individuals. Therefore, it is especially important for psychologists to assess the efforts that military personnel and veterans must make to seek help. Full rehabilitation of veterans, their involvement in peaceful life should be considered in the context of stabilization of family relations. During the veteran's absence, on the one hand, certain changes occur in each of his family members, and on the other hand, the veteran himself changes. Hence, a number of tasks for a consultant who plans to work with the families of combatants and understanding the importance of supporting all members of a serviceman's family arise.

The nature, dynamics, uniqueness of the interpersonal relationship between the client and the psychologist, as well as the personal qualities of the psychologist, play a decisive role in the dynamics and effectiveness of psychological assistance. The most difficult and decisive stage of the consultation interaction of a psychologist with a military serviceman is the establishment of psychological contact and trust.

So, when communicating, servicemen are guided by the rules of conduct in battle. The issue of trust is quite important for them. It is also important that a psychologist should be aware of his personal, moral, cultural values, as well as understand and share the opinion about the importance and role of the Armed Forces in the defense of Ukraine.